MVDr. Aleš Brychta
Garant výživy prasat, Celá ČR

Ing. Jiří Vlašín
Specialista výživy prasat, Morava
Jižní Morava, Severní Morava, Západní Morava
Brno–město, Brno–venkov, Břeclav, Hodonín, Znojmo, Přerov, Kroměříž, Uherské Hradiště, Vsetín, Zlín, Frýdek–Místek, Karviná Svitavy, Ústí nad Orlicí, Blansko, Vyškov, Jeseník, Olomouc, Prostějov, Šumperk, Bruntál, Nový Jíčín, Opava, Ostrava Hradec Králové, Jíčín, Náchod, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Trutnov, Chrudim, Pardubice, Havlíčkův Brod, Žďár nad Sázavou, Jihlava, Třebíč
The joint-stock company MIKROP ČEBÍN a.s. engaged in the production, sale and distribution of mineral and complementary feeds can offer its customers a comprehensive range of products for pigs, from suckling piglets through sows to growing-finishing pigs, and for all types of operation.
The core products are mineral complementary feeds and protein concentrates for the production of compound feeds for different categories of pigs, with various nutrient levels. Since 17th January, 2019, the company MIKROP ČEBÍN a.s. has been producing all kinds of premixes and complete feeds under the "GMO-free" standards.
The swine products include piglet milk replacers, suitable also for automatic milk feeding systems, and the PigStarter (prestarters) and PigKaše (grouts) ranges for automatic piglet feeders.
MIKROP provides health nutritional supplements to prevent reproductive disorders, sow flushing feeds, bone support supplements, and products that reduce the risk of heat stress or adjust acid-base balance. The sale of mineral and vitamin supplements for pigs includes free consulting services.
The swine nutritionists provide consultancy on nutrition and health, perform farm profitability analyses, and can train the farm staff.
Last but not least, the MIKROP consultants help customers with the implementation of measures for drawing subsidies, including analyses of ammonia level and light intensity in stables for breeding animals. MIKROP also offers African flies, a biological larvicide for insect control. The MIKROP nutritionists use the company laboratory for analyses of samples taken in the field. Every year MIKROP holds a technical seminar with domestic and foreign expert lecturers to increase the expertise of consultants and customers in nutrition, biosecurity and animal health.